Thursday, August 2, 2007

National GEO IT AINT

WHO could screw this image up? ME apparently @ noon ... still , a looksee at this light house, I'll get the actual name, ACTUAL NAME: Curtis Island light house, right down the street.... .pretty cool joint up here, make me want to come visit every summer. lovely.
we walked about the town, and then went swimming in a pond HosmerPond.
wish I had a sweet shot of honey dahwg in the dingy we rowed about in the pond, yes NO PHOTOS!!!) no waterproof hoohah for the CAHMARAH.... but we did see 2 loons ( birds) but they did not speak,

OH and here is sweet honey girl,


Unknown said...

oooooooh - what a gorgeous dog!!

deny said...

here is a link to a story & photos of the lovely pond